Well its been over a month since the last post, but the team is still riding hard. A number of guys rode the Green Mountain Stage Race last weekend up in Vermont. Patrick Brandon finished 15th in the Masters 40+ field of 60 riders. Patrick hasn't raced Green Mountain in over a decade and rode strong for his first return trip. In other race news, Chris Kohnle finished 5th in the Pro 1,2,3 race at the Topsfield Circuit race this past Saturday. The road season is winding down with only a few races left, Jamestown being the season ender. It appears the team will have a number of riders giving cross a go this year...it should be a fun Fall season.
Anthony Vecca will be racing the CrossVegas "Wheelers & Dealers" race in Las Vegas on September 24th. The race is held the first night of Interbike and is open to 100 bike shop employees and industry affiliates from across the globe. Anthony has been part of the Pedal Power family for 8 years and will be representing the shop and CCNS in the race.