Saturday, December 8, 2007

Weekend Results

Today was the Steadman Cyclocross Grand Prix in Warwick, Rhode Island and the course was snowy, muddy, and it was cold out! Despite being sick all week and off the bike for 5 days, Anthony Vecca placed 5th out of a field of 70 riders in the Cat. 4 race. As always, Anthony's girlfriend shot a ton of photos which can be seen over at his photo page.

In the news.....

CCNS is going to have a large roster for the 2008 season. The new roster will be posted soon, but for now check...

The website is up and running thanks to new team member Keith Hurley.
Go have a look!

Coach Aidan Charles and team rider Bob German will be ringing in the new year in Tuscon, Arizona. The guys will be headed out West for a few months to train for the 2008 road season ahead.

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